Jokin Lopetegi
CAF Ventures Manager
Hondarribia (Spain), 1972. Jokin Lopetegi, Superior Industrial Engineer by the University of Navarra and Bachelor in Sciences (BSc) in Mechanical Engineering by the University of Central Lancashire (UK). MBA by Deusto Business School. He is currently manager at CAF Ventures, Corporate Development and New Business area in CAF (Railway Solutions). He has held various positions in this company, among others, Deputy Director General of CAF Power & Automation and Managing Director of Traintic. He also teaches in the Program of Corporate Leadership in Venture and Innovation at Deusto Business School, and he actively takes part in many entrepreneurship and innovation forums.
Interview: Jabi Odriozola
Jabi Odriozola, engineer of Assistive Technology for people with disabilities. He has designed, among others, Etxegoki (Apartments with Support) and the Spinal Cord Injury Unit in Cruces Hospital, both awarded with Design for All Awards international prize. He tireless works for the spreading of spaces designed for all, and is a regular speaker at seminars and conferences every year.